In the unlikely event that you have received a product with manufacturing faults, we will gladly replace or refund those items if they are defective or significantly differ from our product descriptions.
In the unlikely event that you receive a faulty item or have a missing item from your order, please reach out to us within 72 hours of receiving your order. We highly recommend inspecting your item immediately to make sure that you received everything in your order. If you reach out after this time we cannot guarantee that we can fix the issue for you. Unfortunately we have had to put this policy in place to keep our business safe from fraudulent activity. We have had people reach out weeks and even months later claiming they never received an item in their order and we no longer have the items in stock to make it right. This goes for faulty items as well. If an item is faulty we need to know about it immediately for safety reasons. If an item has been out of our warehouse for weeks or even months it is hard for us to know where the fault occurred. We want to look out for our customers and our small business and this policy will help us do both.
In the unlikely event that a product is returned to us by the shipping provider, it will be at the buyers expense to purchase another label so that we can ship your items back to you. We are not responsible for misspelled information on your mailing address or payment information.
Urban Pines is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. Once an item leaves our warehouse, the responsibility lies with our mail carriers.
To cover your parcels with insurance, we recommend paying for priority mail which comes with full coverage and ensures your items arrive promptly, safely and protects against theft.